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Build the Wall or we become a One-Party Pro-Death State like California

If the Donald Trump Wall is not build then the one party pro-death state of California will spread like a disease to rest of the United States.

We see the post Reagan Hispanic immigrants voting in Democrat abortion and gay extremist who claim murder of the unborn children and homosexual perversion is the highest good.

If the United States becomes like California then the Democrat's one party Communist-like regime will gain power over all persons of faith in the God of the Bible.

Then as in California we will began to live in a Stalinist or Nazi regime that outlaws Christianity. Like Stalin and Hitler they claim evil is good.

Christians who want to raise their children in a sexual morality of the faith or want to stop the murder of unborn babies must be jailed for the “hate crime" against the one party state in this regime.

These post Reagan Latino immigrants want to bring the Democrat regime into power. They are like crazy people who want to destroy their new country.

We must demand the Wall so the anti-Christian regime doesn't come into power by changing the the pro-life demographics of the voters of the USA.

If the Latin American immigrants whom President Ronald Reagan granted amnesty and the illegal immigrants who followed them into California had voted for pro-life and pro-family candidates, I would be the first in line to say grant amnesty again.

But the vast majority of them have voted for abortion and homosexuality. It appears they want their children to be taught abortion and homosexuality in the public schools

It is easy to see that politics will not save us. While we must do what we can to stop the anti-God regime from coming into power by voting and other means, we must not place our trust in politicans.

We must place our trust in God. We need to start praying night and day to God to save us and our children from those who would jail us, kill our children and try to destroy our children’s and our souls.

We need to remember another time when prayer and sacrifice were needed to stop a great evil. The time of Russian Communism.

Pope Benedict had much to say while still a cardinal about how prayer saved Pope John Paul II and the world from the evil regime of Marxism.

He said that God through the Mother of Jesus saved John Paul from the 13 May 1981 assassins’ bullet and countries from “annihilation’ and the Church from “persecution.”

Pope Benedict said “[I]n the end prayer is more powerful than bullets and faith more powerful than armies.”

“The Third Part of the ‘Secret'

“Here it would be appropriate to mention a phrase from the letter which Sister Lucia wrote to the Holy Father on 12 May 1982: “The third part of the ‘secret' refers to Our Lady's words: ‘If not, [Russia] will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated'”.

In the Via Crucis of an entire century, the figure of the Pope has a special role. In his arduous ascent of the mountain we can undoubtedly see a convergence of different Popes. Beginning from Pius X up to the present Pope, they all shared the sufferings of the century and strove to go forward through all the anguish along the path which leads to the Cross.

In the vision, the Pope too is killed along with the martyrs. When, after the attempted assassination on 13 May 1981, the Holy Father had the text of the third part of the “secret” brought to him, was it not inevitable that he should see in it his own fate? He had been very close to death, and he himself explained his survival in the following words: “... it was a mother's hand that guided the bullet's path and in his throes the Pope halted at the threshold of death” (13 May 1994).

That here “a mother's hand” had deflected the fateful bullet only shows once more that there is no immutable destiny, that faith and prayer are forces which can influence history and that in the end prayer is more powerful than bullets and faith more powerful than armies.”

Joseph Card. Ratzinger
Prefect of the Congregation
for the Doctrine of the Faith

The Bush that Could have Been

Wednesday, May 07, 2008
How Ending the Abortion Nightmare can still make Bush the next Lincoln
By Fred Martinez

Dr. Theresa Burkes’ latest book on post abortion therapy, Forbidden Grief: The Unspoken Pain of Abortion is endorsed by the great enemy of the feminist agenda- Dr. Laura Schessinger.

Burkes concurs with Dr, Laura that the Feminist movement has brought us deep psychological problems especially the abortion culture because “if you examine the women's movement you can see that many of the women who laid the groundwork were women traumatized by their own abortions. They believed that legalizing abortion would take away the trauma.” Instead as Dr. Burkes shows they created trauma, which brought us the nightmare culture. Continued Below...

She applies psychology to cure this trauma, but says that the abortion-trauma can only be completely healed if one asks for and receives God’s mercy. If the grief of abortion is not healed then the world becomes a Freddy Krueger-like nightmare. Burkes maintains that the horror icons of the United States such as “Freddy Krueger” and the “evil child movies” are symbols of a culture running away from it’s guilt.

“I think that evil child movies are all around us. The child is the victimizer, the one who torments. Other movies, like Freddy Krueger, illustrate the horror of being tracked down by an "abortionist" figure who is out to kill her baby,” Burkes said, “I've watched MTV where baby dolls are thrown off cliffs, discarded, abused and unwanted - revealing the unconscious conflict shared by all who have rejected children or been abused themselves after having been used for sexual pleasure.”

E. Michael Jones, editor of Culture Wars, in a review of Forbidden Grief agrees with its thesis that when one represses guilt one creates even greater monsters in the unconscious. He said, “...depression, suicide attempts, compulsive political activism, reveals itself upon closer inspection to be neurotic compensation for the guilt from abortion, which the culture of death instructs woman to repress.”

Feminist could hardly suppress their glee when Lorena Bobbitt cut off her husband’s penis,” Jones said, “What they did suppress was the connection between this bizarre and otherwise inexplicable act and the fact that her husband had forced her to abort their child.”

This is only one example of what happens to a culture when millions of men and women have the memory of an aborted baby haunting their unconscious. Forbidden Grief tells us in story after story of “bizarre” behaviors. In one account we find a dorm party in which the students, many post-abortive, played "baby soccer.”

The “baby soccer"story reminds one of a Stephen King novel with it’s broken heads of dolls being kicked around, their eyes gouged out, doll cheeks burned with cigarette butts and a boyfriend burning cigarette holes between the doll's legs as well as ripping off their legs, leaving only a scarred vagina hole. This account and others convinced Burkes that abortion is connected to the horror games that our culture plays.

“The college students I witnessed playing "baby soccer"were actually trying to master their trauma by belittling it through a game with decapitated baby doll parts,” Burkes said, “This amusement and mesmerizing allure to engage in the traumatic play is a symptom of our cultures need to overcome the horror-like the baby in the blender jokes, which all surfaced coincidentally after Roe v Wade passed.”

The baby soccer game and other horror genre are symptoms showing that millions of Americans need to overcome the “collective guilt” associated with abortion. Burkes says, “As the group's enthusiasm for this game demonstrated, the acting out of post-abortion trauma can be contagious...collective guilt and trauma have the capacity to disguise massive injustice. ”

According to Life Dynamic’s Mark Cruther, this massive injustice-in which millions are killed- can be stopped by ending access to abortion bound women. His booklet Access states between 40 to 60 percent of American women of childbearing age have had at least one abortion. There are also a similar percentage of males who are post-abortive as well.

The booklet claims that the reason for our increasingly pro-abortion elective government is these percentages of persons who are in internal conflict. After violating the moral commandment of thou shall not kill, they vote pro-abortion seeing the stance of the pro-life politicians as a personal attack on themselves.

“What I’m saying is that since the vast majority of elections are decided by slim margins, anything which influences even a small percentage of voters can be a powerful force,” Cruther said, “The point is that the potential impact is staggering. Moreover, this force grows considerably more powerful everyday as another 4,000 abortions are racked up.”

His booklet says studies have found that these women do not have abortions unless there is easy and local access to abortion. The vast majority of these women, according to these studies, will not travel long distances or pay large amounts of money for an abortion. Access says, “...our opponent’s ability to continue fighting comes from a high abortion rate. That is what fuels their political machine. As long as they have $64,000 an hour to draw on, and the potential for at least 4,000 new pro-abortion voters every day, the legal status of abortion will not change.”

The way to defeat the abortion nightmare on the political front, according to Cruther, is to sue doctors. And Steve Mosher, head of the Population Research Institute (PRI) says there are many legitimate reasons to sue. He said, "The failure to stop an abortion procedure on request, or even depriving women of their right to full information, can be construed as a denial of a woman's freedom of access to reproductive health."

According to Access, very few new doctors want to be abortionists so malpractice suits makes the abortion medical business even more unattractive. As fewer young doctors enter the aging field, access to abortions becomes costly and inaccessible.

The abortionists and the pro-abortion media seem to agree. In 1992, abortionist David Gritmes said, “ Distance clearly matters in women’s reproductive choices...abortion rates were found to be inversely related to the distance to a provider.” In 1998, The New York Times Magazine said, “... abortion is retreating into a half-lighted ghetto of pseudonyms, suspicion and fear... today 59% of all abortion doctors are 65 years old...nearly two thirds are beyond legal retirement age.”

Access presents 81 such quotes from abortionist and pro-abortion publications to show as it says ”access doesn’t just influence abortion politics; it is the determining factor in which side wins and which side loses.”

Along these lines, another way to end the abortion government is to reach out to the millions of post abortion trauma voters with God’s mercy as Dr. Burkes is doing. If even a small percentage changes sides, as Cruther said, these slim margins in elections may start going to pro-life politicians. And it is never too late to start reaching out to persons in post abortion trauma.

“We had one woman come on our retreat who was 87 years old. She suffered over half a century with this secret that she had never revealed to anyone until she came to Rachel's Vineyard. She was so relieved to be with others and to finally receive God's forgiveness,” Burkes said, “We can offer the Lord's mercy by not seeking to judge or condemn them, but by inviting them to thoughtfully reflect on their experience - by being the one ear that will listen, or the one heart that cries with them for the loss.”

That 87-year-old woman’s conversion represents millions of voters who could convert to voting for pro-life Republicans because the Democrats have steadfastly “positioned” themselves as the abortion party. The problem for the Republicans is that those women swing voters must be reached with psychological and religious help as happened to our 87-year-old.

The way this can be done is for the Republican leadership and President Bush to attempted to pass legislation, which offers psychological assistance to women with abortion trauma. The Democrats and media would go crazy, but if this legislation were positioned as a woman’s right to reproductive health; then the Republicans would have the moral high ground.

Even if the legislation doesn’t pass the mere publicity would get it into the consciousness of millions of woman in abortion trauma. The pro-life movement and conservative churches could then get into action and start offering those women the help they need.

After this is done then the Bush’s Justice Department must prosecute all abortionist who as PRI’s President Steve Mosher said fail "to stop an abortion procedure on request, or even depriving women of their right to full information.” PRI‘s recent pro-life conference introduced new legal campaigns to sue abortionist doctors that fail to provide complete information about the risks of abortion to their patients.

"We're working with these attorneys to inform more and more Americans of their rights,“ Mosher said,"It's time America does an 'about face' on the abortion industry. Women deserve genuine health and human rights, not violations so routinely committed by the abortion industry."

According to Pennsylvania’s Chris Kahlenborn MD, there are 28 out of 37 studies that show induced abortion increases the risk of breast cancer. 13 out of 15 of those are done in the United States. And 13 out of 15 of those are positive [see: ""]. So the risk of an abortion to develop beast cancer is 50% if it’s your first baby. And if you’re under 18 it goes to 150%. If you’re under 18 and your baby is more than nine weeks old it goes up to 800%.

"As soon as there comes a woman who has breast cancer who has had an abortion and takes it to court. She‘s got a very strong case,” Kahlenborn said, “The problem is a lot of young women when they do get breast cancer die from it so quickly -because it’s so aggressive when you’re young- they might not make it to court."

As Kahlenborn showed this is not just about winning election, but about doing the right thing. Unfortunately or fortunately, for the Republicans this is also all about politics. Any increase in abortion- as Cruther graphically shows- is to demise of their party. The recent California elections showed that Gray Davis and the Democrats will not hesitate to play baby soccer-type mind games with women voters in order to win.

But, the Republicans are running out of time. Their base is the conservative religious voters as the recent- Bill Simon win in- California elections showed again, so they can not allow the abortionists to have the “$64,000 an hour to draw on, and the potential for at least 4,000 new pro-abortion voters every day:” As Cruther said, “it is the determining factor in which side wins and which side loses.”

The Party of Lincoln must make a choice. They can become the like the Whigs- who kept compromising on the issue of slavery until they were- replaced before the Civil War by the Republicans. Or they can stand firm like Lincoln and limit the spread of a great evil.

Lincoln never attempted to abolish slavery directly because he knew if he limited its spread like a disease so that it was only in the South, then it would die a natural death. The Democrats- the slavery party- knew this too. That is why they started the Civil War.

The Democrats- the abortion party- knows also that abortion will die a natural death if limited in its ability to exploit women. They will not start a civil war because they are cowards and have no moral high ground.

(The South was correct in their claim that they had the Constitutional right to secede and had the Founding Father’s idea of federalism to back their states political rights claims. This is what gave them the moral courage to fight a great war.)

Can anybody imagine flabby Teddy Kennedy and company having the courage to fight for anything more than 6 more years of luxury at the taxpayers expense?

So Bush can go down in history as another Lincoln. (In the 1800‘s, he was considered as bad a chief executive and dumber by the media than our present President is taken to be.)

All that Bush has to do is limit its spread by protecting women’s health and human rights as well as letting women in abortion trauma know that he and others are there offering help to free them from their nightmare of abortion.


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