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Pope Francis, Soros, Gaudete et Exsultate and the Push to make Killing the Unborn Babies Last "for at Least a Generation" according to Chuck Norris

Does George Soros's money, to some extent, move the agenda of Pope Francis's Rome as well as the Democrats in Washington and is he now attempting to control Texas?

Ganesh Sahathevan is a Fellow at the (American Center for Democracy) ACD’s Economic Warfare Institute said Pope Francis's closest collaborator has "an illegal slush fund financed by George Soro":

"Cardinal Oscar RodrĂ­guez Maradiaga, the so-called "Vice Pope" given his close association with Pope Francis, has refused to answer questions concerning his work with a number of NGOs funded by billionaire George Soros. Cardinal Oscar has also refused to answer queries concerning any funding he, or entities associated with him, may have received from Soros..."

"... It does appear as if the "Vice Pope" is on some campaign to change the Vatican from within, and that he is doing so with what amounts to an illegal slush fund financed by George Soros." (, "'Vice Pope' Cardinal Oscar RodrĂ­guez Maradiaga does not deny being funded by George Soros,and working with the 'Catholic Spring' movement ,"February 9, 2017),[], []

Financial expert Sahathevan, also, reported that the most powerful official in Francis's Vatican, Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin, apparently knew that funds not appearing on "official balance sheets" could be illegal and he may be covering up illegal slush funds and asked Francis & Parolin to "come clean":

"..It does seem as if there is some concern within the Vatican that slush funds such as that which appear to be controlled by Cardinal Oscar, that ought to have been reported and accounted for as required by Canon Law, remain secret. Wikileaks and in time other publications are going to make that task  near impossible, and hence it is best that all concerned come clean."
(, "Vice Pope" Cardinal Oscar's Soros funding-Has the Vatican Bank acted as conduit , is it in breach of international AML,CTF and KYC regulations?,"February 14, 2017), []

The website The Eye Witness reported on suspicious spying done on Pope Benedict and Pope Francis before and after the last conclave by the Soros funded Democrat Obama Administration's NSA:

"It is now revealed that the NSA was tapping the phones and communications of the entire Vatican establishment, including Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis before, during and after the Conclave.  Is such a thing possible?  Here is one of many reports:"

"In another report, from
Al-Jazeera we read:

"Bergoglio ' had been a person of interest to the American secret services since 2005, according to Wikileaks' it said."

"The bugged conversations were divided into four categories: 'leadership intentions', 'threats to financial systems', 'foreign policy objectives' and 'human rights', it claimed."

"Why the American Secret Service considered Cardinal Bergoglio a person of interest for the past eight years is an interesting question although the Secret Service like all other US agencies is widely believed to have been corrupted, so it remains unclear as to how one should assess this piece of information or what it was about the activities of the Cardinal that prompted their extreme interest.  Still it is curious to say the very least..."

"...But if the Conclave was compromised in some way (and even if it wasn't we do know that the NSA has been listening to electronic communications of high Churchmen in Rome and probably everywhere else) then this opens up a whole new avenue of inquiry."

One reason why the NSA could reasonably have been spying on Pope Benedict and Cardinal Bergoglio who would become Pope Francis at that conclave could be that the spy agency was corrupted by the Obama administration.

It is not unreasonable to assume that the administration wanted Bergoglio to replace Benedict.

Benedict's agenda put anti-abortion and moral pro-family issues as top priorities while Francis gives lip services to those issues, but sees them as secondary to his agenda which is almost identical to the Obama administration and Soros agendas such unrestricted mass immigration (See: http

Zero Hedge shows that NSA became a servant of the Democrats and the Obama administration agenda and it's FISA abuses:

"Donald Trump must veto reauthorized NSA spying powers which passed both the House and the Senate yesterday 
without a single reform, in light of an explosive four-page memo said to detail sweeping FISA Abuses by the FBI, DOJ and the Obama Administration during and after the 2016 presidential election, says former NSA contractor and whistleblower Edward Snowden." []

Another reason is related to the first reason for the spying is that the Democrats and some liberal Republicans are funded by Soros who is pushing unrestricted mass immigration:

"There does indeed seem to be a “hidden Soros Slush Fund” in the Democratic Party’s official platform, as commentator Michelle Malkin recently
pointed out... Malkin suggests that Obama’s rival for the White House, John McCain, hasn’t criticized the slush fund proposal because his Reform Institute received $150,000 from the Open Society Institute." []

Francis in Gaudete et Exsultate joins the Democrats funded by Soros who are pushing unrestricted mass immigration by making it equivalent to abortion. Francis appears to want to bring the Democrat regime into power.

Unrestricted mass immigration will bring the 100 percent pro-abortion Democrats into power by changing the demographics of the voters of the USA. If the Latin American immigrants whom President Reagan granted amnesty and the illegal immigrants who followed them into California and other states like Texas had voted for pro-life candidates, I would be the first in line to say grant amnesty again. But the vast majority of them have voted like the mayor of Mexico City for abortion.

Francis with Gaudete et Exsultate, it appears, is joining Soros in attempting to bring the party of abortion Democrats into power.

According to Chuck Norris, Soros is willing to spend huge sums of money to insure the victory for the party of abortion:

"Left-wing BILLIONAIRE George Soros and liberal Washington, D.C. special interests believe that taking Texas is the key to seizing control of the entire country. If Soros and his liberal pals can take Texas and its 38 electoral votes, they’ll have a lock on the White House for at least a generation!"

"Just this year, George Soros dumped $900,000 into a local Texas district attorney’s race—and won. If he’ll spend that much on a local race, Soros will likely pour in millions (if not tens of millions) to install a Democrat Governor in Texas."

"That way he’ll be able to control Texas redistricting after the next census, draw Texas Republicans out of office, and ensure Democrat control of the U.S. House for years!"

Chuck Norris

"P.S. Friend, no governor in the United States has a bigger bull’s-eye on his back right now that Governor Greg Abbott, with special interests and national Democrats targeting Texas as the key to seizing PERMANENT political control of our entire country. This fight is only the beginning." (Chuck Norris (

If Pope Francis, Soros and Gaudete et Exsultate bring about unrestricted mass immigration and win Texas then the Democrats will be in power and will be killing the unborn babies "for at least a generation."

Pray an Our Father now for the end of the killing of unborn babies.


Kathleen1031 said…
God forbid. What an evil man Soros is.
Praypraypray said…
God bless Texas & God bless & help America. May God confound all of the evil doers and make them all impotent. May Soros & all those aiding him or profiting from him all be exposed and stopped before they cause any more harm.
Praise God! Thank You, God. Praise Jesus! Thank You, Jesus! Let’s all pray for the end of the killing of unborn babies... Our Father...

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