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Is Soros/Francis Deep State Targeting Sex Abuse Whistleblower Vigano and Trump?

Everyone knows that the corporate media, such The New York Times, Reuter and others, are attempting to ruin Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano who is a whistleblower against the Pope Francis Vatican homosexual network and sex abuse cover-ups.

People are starting to wake up to the fact that the corporate media is controlled by the Deep State.

The United Kingdom magazine Christian Order in its latest exposé on the "complex corporate/financial/political" Deep State said:

"Occasionally, media scrutiny and/or public prosecution of global criminal scams... provide a glimpse like the Bank of Credit and Commerce International during the 1970s/80s and currently the Clinton Foundation... the first-tier all hold so much dirt on each other that mutual protection and continuing is assured."

"As for whistle-blowers, the lower-level variety are either bought off, blackmailed, ruined, or murdered with impunity. Exposure and defiance at the highest levels by uncontrollable presidential forces like JFK, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, on the other hand, sometimes leads to assassination (JFK) but more usually is handled by a controlled press."

"President Putin's complaint at the recent Helsinki summit of a massive swindle involving the transfer of $400 million... to Hillary Clinton's election campaign, for example, was either totally ignored, or mentioned but not pursued... [as was] Putin's further pointed reference to the transnational conniving of Hillary's nefarious backer, George Soros."(Christian Order, "Deep State Armageddon," August/September 2018)

Everyone who has read or seen on YouTube internationally respected investigator and attorney Elizabeth Yore's detailed research knows Francis's Vatican is in bed or in alliance with the Deep State and Soros. Yore revealed:

"George Soros operatives are embedded in the Vatican. They have drafted Vatican documents that set up the Soros agenda which mirrors the Francis agenda." (YouTube, "An Unholy Alliance: the UN, Soros, and the Francis Papacy," February 21, 2017)

The Christian Order article, moreover, shows that the Soros/Clinton Deep State doesn't just have the "controlled press" working for them, but the intelligence agencies:

"As George Neumayr commented... 'Obama via Brennan, did the equivalent for Hillary'... namely, by turning CIA HQ at Langley, Virginia, into the Clinton War Room."

"... For [Trump] his tenure is a providential opportunity to face down the Washington vermin; to thwart their occult designs. So let us pray that he [Trump] traps and eradicates them before they trap and eradicate him - or it's criminal game, globalist set, and godless match to the dirty rats."

Please pray that God protect President Trump and Archbishop Vigano because they are both fighting against cornered and often deadly enemies.

Pray an Our Father now for God to protect them. Please keep them in your daily prayers.


Praypraypray said…
Thank you very much for your request for prayers for Archbishop Vigano and for President Trump. In this time, which seems to be a separating of the sheep from the goats, we need to pray intensely for those who are trying to fight the evil. These people will be in my daily prayers. God bless and protect Archbishop Vigano and President Trump and all of the people who are fighting doing God’s will. God bless you and all of the solid Catholic bloggers, writers, authors, pro-lifers, priests, and religious. Thanks be to God.

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