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Is Trump more Pro-life & therefore more Catholic than Francis?

- Updated January 10, 2020

Posts: Hermit of Loreto: The Prophecy that Trump would "lead America back to God."
It appears that President Donald Trump is more pro-life and therefore more Catholic than Francis.

As Francis by promoting liberal Democrats is doing all he can to insure abortion remains the law in America, it looks like if President Trump wins reelection that the Trump Supreme Court will overturn Roe vs. Wade.

Ironically, Francis with Amoris Letitia and Pachamama worship is leading Catholics away from God while Trump is leading America back to God.

Incredibly in the 1980's there was a prophecy, when Trump was still a playboy, that he would lead "America back to God."

Father Giacomo Capoverdi on YouTube said a close confidant of his told him that in the 1980's the "Hermit of Loreto" (the author of the renown Pieta prayer book) made the prophecy that Donald Trump would "lead America back to God." Loreto is the site of the Holy House of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Four decades ago, the close friend of Fr. Capoverdi in astonishment said, to the author of the famous Pieta prayer book, do you mean the playboy. The Hermit said yes.

Pray that the prophecy about President Trump bringing "America back to God" is fulfilled, that he overturns Roe vs. Wade and, also, that he can end the nightmare of abortion in America.

Dr. Theresa Burkes’s book "Forbidden Grief: The Unspoken Pain of Abortion" shows that abortion has brought us a nightmare and horror culture:

"If you examine the women's movement you can see that many of the women who laid the groundwork were women traumatized by their own abortions. They believed that legalizing abortion would take away the trauma.”

Instead as Dr. Burkes shows they created trauma, which brought us the nightmare culture.

She applies psychology to cure this trauma, but says that the abortion-trauma can only be completely healed if one asks for and receives God’s mercy.

If the grief of abortion is not healed then the world becomes a Freddy Krueger-like horror culture.

Burkes maintains that the horror icons of the United States such as “Freddy Krueger” and the “evil child movies” are symbols of a culture running away from its guilt.

“I think that evil child movies are all around us. The child is the victimizer, the one who torments. Other movies, like Freddy Krueger, illustrate the horror of being tracked down by an "abortionist" figure who is out to kill her baby,” Burkes said:

“I've watched MTV where baby dolls are thrown off cliffs, discarded, abused and unwanted - revealing the unconscious conflict shared by all who have rejected children or been abused themselves after having been used for sexual pleasure.”

Forbidden Grief's thesis is that when one represses guilt one creates even greater monsters in the unconscious.

One example is when Lorena Bobbitt cut off her husband’s penis.

Bobbitt did this monstrous nightmare-like aggression on her husband because he forced her to abort their child.

This is only one example of what happens to a culture when millions of men and women have the memory of an aborted baby haunting their unconscious.

Burkes tells us in story after story of “bizarre” behaviors. In one account we find a dorm party in which the students, many post-abortive, played "baby soccer.”

The “baby soccer"story reminds one of a Stephen King novel with it’s broken heads of dolls being kicked around, their eyes gouged out, doll cheeks burned with cigarette butts and a boyfriend burning cigarette holes between the doll's legs as well as ripping off their legs, leaving only a scarred vagina hole.

This account and others convinced Burkes that abortion is connected to the horror games that our culture plays.

“The college students I witnessed playing "baby soccer"were actually trying to master their trauma by belittling it through a game with decapitated baby doll parts,” Burkes said, “This amusement and mesmerizing allure to engage in the traumatic play is a symptom of our cultures need to overcome the horror-like the baby in the blender jokes, which all surfaced coincidentally after Roe v Wade passed.”

The baby soccer game and other horror genre are symptoms showing that millions of Americans need to overcome the “collective guilt” associated with abortion. Burkes says, “As the group's enthusiasm for this game demonstrated, the acting out of post-abortion trauma can be contagious...collective guilt and trauma have the capacity to disguise massive injustice. ”

According to Life Dynamic’s Mark Cruther, this massive injustice-in which millions are killed- can be stopped by ending access to abortion bound women. His booklet "Access" states between 40 to 60 percent of American women of childbearing age have had at least one abortion. There are also a similar percentage of males who are post-abortive as well.

The booklet claims that the reason for our increasingly pro-abortion elective government is these percentages of persons who are in internal conflict. After violating the moral commandment of thou shall not kill, they vote pro-abortion seeing the stance of the pro-life politicians as a personal attack on themselves.

“What I’m saying is that since the vast majority of elections are decided by slim margins, anything which influences even a small percentage of voters can be a powerful force,” Cruther said:

"The point is that the potential impact is staggering. Moreover, this force grows considerably more powerful everyday as another 4,000 abortions are racked up.”

His booklet says studies have found that these women do not have abortions unless there is easy and local access to abortion.

The vast majority of these women, according to these studies, will not travel long distances or pay large amounts of money for an abortion. Access says:

 “Our opponent’s ability to continue fighting comes from a high abortion rate. That is what fuels their political machine. As long as they have $64,000 an hour to draw on, and the potential for at least 4,000 new pro-abortion voters every day, the legal status of abortion will not change.”

The way to defeat the abortion nightmare on the political front, according to Cruther, is to sue doctors. And Steve Mosher, head of the Population Research Institute (PRI) says there are many legitimate reasons to sue. He said:

"The failure to stop an abortion procedure on request, or even depriving women of their right to full information, can be construed as a denial of a woman's freedom of access to reproductive health."

Access says very few new doctors want to be abortionists so malpractice suits makes the abortion medical business even more unattractive. As fewer young doctors enter the aging field, access to abortions becomes costly and inaccessible.

The abortionists and the pro-abortion media seem to agree. According to Access abortionist David Gritmes said:

"Distance clearly matters in women’s reproductive choices...abortion rates were found to be inversely related to the distance to a provider.” In 1998, The New York Times Magazine said, “... abortion is retreating into a half-lighted ghetto of pseudonyms, suspicion and fear... today 59% of all abortion doctors are 65 years old...nearly two thirds are beyond legal retirement age.”

Access presents 81 such quotes from abortionist and pro-abortion publications to show as it says ”access doesn’t just influence abortion politics; it is the determining factor in which side wins and which side loses.”

Along these lines, another way to end the abortion government is to reach out to the millions of post abortion trauma voters with God’s mercy as Dr. Burkes is doing.

If even a small percentage changes sides, as Cruther said, these slim margins in elections may start going to pro-life politicians. And it is never too late to start reaching out to persons in post abortion trauma.

“We had one woman come on our retreat who was 87 years old. She suffered over half a century with this secret that she had never revealed to anyone until she came to Rachel's Vineyard. She was so relieved to be with others and to finally receive God's forgiveness,” Burkes said:

"We can offer the Lord's mercy by not seeking to judge or condemn them, but by inviting them to thoughtfully reflect on their experience - by being the one ear that will listen, or the one heart that cries with them for the loss.”

That 87-year-old woman’s conversion represents millions of voters who could convert to voting for pro-life Republicans because the Democrats have steadfastly “positioned” themselves as the abortion party. The problem for the Republicans is that those women swing voters must be reached with psychological and religious help as happened to our 87-year-old.

The way this can be done is for President Donald Trump to attempted to pass legislation, which offers psychological assistance to women with abortion trauma.

The Democrats and media would go crazy, but if this legislation were positioned as a woman’s right to reproductive health; then the Republicans would have the moral high ground.

Even if the legislation doesn’t pass the mere publicity would get it into the consciousness of millions of woman in abortion trauma. The pro-life movement and conservative churches could then get into action and start offering those women the help they need.

After this is done then the Trump’s Justice Department must prosecute all abortionist who as PRI’s President Steve Mosher said fail "to stop an abortion procedure on request, or even depriving women of their right to full information.”

PRI‘s pro-life conference introduced legal campaigns to sue abortionist doctors that fail to provide complete information about the risks of abortion to their patients.

"We're working with these attorneys to inform more and more Americans of their rights,“ Mosher said:

"It's time America does an 'about face' on the abortion industry. Women deserve genuine health and human rights, not violations so routinely committed by the abortion industry."

According to Pennsylvania’s Chris Kahlenborn MD, there are 28 out of 37 studies that show induced abortion increases the risk of breast cancer. 13 out of 15 of those are done in the United States. And 13 out of 15 of those are positive [].

So the risk of an abortion to develop beast cancer is 50% if it’s your first baby. And if you’re under 18 it goes to 150%. If you’re under 18 and your baby is more than nine weeks old it goes up to 800%.

"As soon as there comes a woman who has breast cancer who has had an abortion and takes it to court. She‘s got a very strong case,” Kahlenborn said, “The problem is a lot of young women when they do get breast cancer die from it so quickly -because it’s so aggressive when you’re young- they might not make it to court."

As Kahlenborn showed this is not just about winning election, but about doing the right thing. Unfortunately or fortunately, for the Republicans this is also all about politics. Any increase in abortion- as Cruther graphically shows- is to demise of their party.

The California and other liberal state elections show that the Democrats will not hesitate to play baby soccer-type mind games with women voters in order to win.

But, the Republicans are running out of time. Their base is the conservative religious voters, so they can not allow the abortionists to have the “$64,000 an hour to draw on, and the potential for at least 4,000 new pro-abortion voters every day:” As Cruther said, “it is the determining factor in which side wins and which side loses.”

The Party of Lincoln must make a choice.

They can become the like the Whigs- who kept compromising on the issue of slavery until they were- replaced before the Civil War by the Republicans. Or they can stand firm like Lincoln and limit the spread of a great evil.

Lincoln never attempted to abolish slavery directly, before the war, because he knew if he limited its spread like a disease so that it was only in the South, then it would die a natural death.

The Democrats- the slavery party- knew this too. That is why they started the Civil War.

The Democrats- the abortion party- knows also that abortion will die a natural death if limited in its ability to exploit women. They will not start a civil war because they are cowards and have no moral high ground.

So Trump can go down in history as another Lincoln.

All that Trump has to do is pick pro-life Supreme Court justices to overturn Roe vs. Wade and limit its spread by allowing pro-life states to protect the unborn children as well as by protecting women’s health and human rights in abortion pro-death states like California.

The President needs to let women in abortion trauma know that he and others are there offering help to free them from their nightmare of abortion.

Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church. Pray an Our Father that President Trump help end the nightmare of abortion and that he bring America back to God as the 1980's "Hermit of Loreto" prophesied.


Pray for President Trump

Keep President Trump in your prayers and penances because the hatred of the world and the devil that is usually directed at pro-life/family popes is targeting him. Pray that God protect the President and give him wisdom. Remember:

Father Giacomo Capoverdi on YouTube said a close confidant of his told him in the 1980's the "Hermit of Loreto" (the author of the Pieta prayer book) made the prophecy that Donald Trump would "lead America back to God".

Four decades ago, the close friend of Fr. Capoverdi in astonishment said, to the author of the famous Pieta prayer book, do you mean the playboy. The Hermit said yes.

Pray that the President is given the grace of conversion to Catholicism and the wisdom to bring America back to God.

Remember that the great catholic cultural historian Christopher Dawson said history is often changed more by saintly Catholics praying than the so-called great men of history.

The following article is posted with the permission of the author James Larson:
The Immaculate Heart of Mary, The Rosary, and The Survival of Our Faith
The rosary, because of its structural content, is something that requires a certain time set aside for its proper recitation. It is clearly the will of God and of Mary that it be part of every person’s daily prayer life. It is the basis of our spiritual childhood lived within Mary’s Immaculate Heart.

It is my belief, however, that especially in these times of virtual universal disorientation and distress, the structured rosary, while indeed being the foundation of our personal prayer life, requires much more in order that such spiritual childhood be protected throughout the day. The rosary itself requires less than one-half hour. If this is all we do, then the rest of the day may well be surrendered almost entirely to forces which seek our spiritual death.

The Hail Mary, on the other hand, takes only about fifteen seconds. There is almost no limitation to the situations and times in which it can be prayed, even in the midst of the most worldly activity; in situations of temptation, anger, doubt, confusion, or even despair; and, especially valuable, as we are falling into sleep. Even if there is only time to pray “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee”, this provides a powerful means by which we may be affectively drawn into Our Lady’s Heart as her spiritual children. It is in itself, when said in the humble spirit of a simple moment of offering one’s own heart to Our Lady, a most profound act of love and consecration which flees from the world in order to take refuge in Mary’s certain and protecting faith.

Our Lord instructs us that we are “always to pray, and not to faint [lose heart]”. He further makes it quite clear that it is this heart which must be maintained if there is to be any faith upon His return (Luke 18:1-8). For us to truly take this seriously, we must first fully admit that we are extraordinarily vulnerable children who, especially in the overwhelming spiritual crisis of our time, must find refuge in Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart, or perish. The rosary, and especially the frequent praying of the Hail Mary, is the gift from Our Lady to secure us in this certainty of faith.

To Release Love

In his encyclical The Christian Meaning of Human Suffering, Pope John Paul II wrote that “suffering is present in the world in order to release love”. This is a statement that has haunted me for the past 31 years. It has become a principle necessary for my understanding of the crucifixion of the Church which I have witnessed occurring over the past 35 years since my conversion. It has pursued me in my own life, and especially in my children who I have watched grow from the innocence of childhood into being subjected as adults to the crucible of suffering which is this modern Christ-hating world.

It was Blessed Simeon who prophesied to Mary that “thy own soul a sword shall pierce, that out of many hearts, thoughts may be revealed”. This verbal image of Mary’s pierced heart calls to mind the artistic representation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, pierced by a sword and releasing the flame of love towards Christ, and towards all men and women created in His Image. The spiritual maternity of Mary is, in its most profound essence, the transforming of human pain and suffering into the light and life of Christ. When, through the praying of the Hail Mary, we place ourselves and those we love within Her Heart, we are therefore exercising the supreme mercy towards souls for the glorification of God.

The Rosary and the Hail Mary are not therefore primarily about focusing on our own personal sanctification, but rather about striking the fire of love upon the flint of our hearts hardened by the effects of original and actual sin. If it be true, according to Christ’s words, that we must die to self in order to gain self, then it must be equally true that in our prayer life it is in loving God and praying for souls that we are meant to be perfected in that love which cannot help but be our sanctification. If our prayers are beset by dullness it is most likely because they are, at least secretly, turned inwards primarily towards ourselves.
Focusing on self-love, even in the virtuous cause of self-sanctification, inevitably leads to the torpidity of spirit which is possibly the most constant effect of original sin upon our minds and hearts. Interiorly, we are all dull unless our hearts erupt into love.

This is why the “other half” of the Fatima message concerns the necessity of reparation. We tend to conceive of the Catholic concept of reparation only in terms of “making reparation” for offenses committed against God. But the term reparation is a relational term. Reparation is therefore primarily concerned with the militant effort to “repair” souls to God. This is the most profound way in which we glorify God and make “reparation” for the offenses committed against Him.

The Rosary and Hail Mary are therefore prayers of “repair” not only for ourselves, but for others. And since our own hearts are most easily moved out of dullness not only by our own personal suffering but by the sufferings of those we love (our spouses, children, friends, and the whole suffering Church and world), then the Rosary and Hail Mary prayed for those we love should be the means by which our hearts are set afire. It is in this fire that our hearts become one with Mary, and through her to Jesus: “I am come to cast fire on the earth: and what will I, but that it be kindled?” (Luke 12: 49).

The Rosary is a violent prayer, demanding a violent love. Our Lord said that “the Kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and the violent bear it away”. Such a concept may indeed come as a shock to those who envision the Rosary as a prayer predominantly consisting of peaceful meditations and gentle consolations. If, however, St. Dominic is correct in considering that it is through the Scapular (consecration to Mary) and the Rosary that the world will be saved, then we should be willing to seriously consider that these devotions necessitate the violence and “fire” of which Our Lord speaks.

The nature of this “violence” is unraveled by Our Lord in that same parable which contains the two passages we have already examined concerning prayer and its relation to the question of Our Lord as to whether there will be any faith left when He returns:

"And he spoke also a parable to them, that we ought always to pray, and not to faint, saying: There was a judge in a certain city who feared not God, nor regarded man. And there was a certain widow in that city, and she came to him, saying: Avenge me of my adversary. And he would not for a long time. But afterwards he said within himself: Although I fear not God, nor regard man, yet because this widow is troublesome to me, I will avenge her, lest continually coming she weary me. And the Lord said: Hear what the unjust judge saith. And will not God revenge his elect who cry to him day and night: and will he have patience in their regard? I say to you, that he will quickly revenge them. But yet the Son of man, when he cometh, shall he find, think you, faith on earth?"

We need to penetrate to the spirit of this passage if we are to understand Our Lord’s demand that we “always pray” and not lose heart, and the connection which this fervent and persistent prayer bears to the survival of faith.

The widow who is the object of this parable is clearly operating almost totally in the realm of passion – of vehement anger and vengefulness. Obviously, when considering what Christ is trying here to impart to his listeners, this is a metaphor for spiritual realities. We see this sort of figure of speech used often in scripture, as for instance when scripture speaks of God’s anger. God is not subject to sensible passions. The word “anger” is thus used as a metaphor for His judgment and chastisement. All the violent language used in this passage is therefore constituted as a parable signifying those “elect” who will retain their faith because they “cry to Him day and night”.

There is, however, another great distinction to be made between the widow and the “elect”. The widow’s cry comes naturally. She is consumed by passion, and her vengefulness consumes her night and day. She does not have to labor to make this thing come alive in her heart. This is not true of the “cry” of the elect.

The Rosary and Hail Mary are a cry of the will. They may sometimes be accompanied by sentiment or passion, but this certainly is not the norm, nor does it provide sufficient motivation for the “praying always’ commanded by Our Lord. In order for them to become habitual, we must make a very conscious commitment to militantly praying “day and night”. It is not enough therefore to sit back and rest in the fact that we “say” our daily Rosary. We must strive with all our heart to correspond with the unceasing love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This, I believe, can be accomplished by the constant effort to extend our daily Rosary throughout the day by the frequent praying of the Hail Mary. It is a work of love.

"Pray, pray a great deal and make many sacrifices, for many souls
go to Hell because they have no one to make sacrifices and to pray for them
Our Lady of Fatima (Aug 17, 1917)
James Larson

(Click to read Larson's whole article:


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