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Homosexualist Bp. Hubbard's Connection to Communist Friendly Hong Kong Cdl. Tong

Recently accused of sex abuse Bishop Howard Hubbard is widely known for promoting homosexuality when he was bishop of Albany.

A Church Militant article reported that there was "rampant homosexuality among the Albany clergy" when he headed the diocese. Moreover, the article revealed:

"Bp. Hubbard helped found and currently sits as vice president of the board of, a pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, communist front organization."
(Church Militant, "Accused Bishop is Vice President of Catholic-Funded Communist Front Group," August, 23, 2019)

The pro-Communist homosexualist Hubbard has a connection to a adviser of the Chinese Communist friendly Hong Kong Cardinal John Tong Hon.

Whereas Cardinal Joseph Zen said the Francis China deal was a act of "'suicide,' Tong said opposing the deal was 'unreasonable.' He argued that the [Communist] government has generally become more tolerant."
(Catholic World Report, "Analysis: Francis, China, and the art of a deal," March 28, 2018)

A adviser of Tong is Chinese Communist friendly Anthony Lam Ze-kiun who said laughably and beyond the pale of believability that the Francis China "deal between both sides would help solve problems... because [the totalitarian regime in] Beijing was often worried about which priest would be ordained."
(http:.. article/ 1999710 Beijing-vatican- reach- initial-accord- appointment-bishops, It appears this article has been deleted from the internet)

Lam according to the Holy Spirit Study Center, Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong ( hk/en/) website says he works with and apparently for Marynoll Fr. Peter J. Barry.

According to the The (Troy) Record, "Barry celebrated... a 50th anniversary Mass... followed by a reception... Among the friends were Bishop Emeritus Howard Hubbard."
(The Record, "Local preacher celebrates 50 years of priesthood," July 26, 2015.)

It appears that one reason that the Hong Kong Cardinal, besides being appointed by Francis, is so Communist friendly is because a friend of pro-Communist Hubbard is in a inner circle of Tong.

Moreover, the National Catholic Register reported Francis appointed Chinese Communist friendly Tong was soft on the the Hong Kong extradition law until there was a "huge wave of popular protests":

"Cardinal Joseph Zen was the first to speak out against the extradition law... Cardinal Tong was more discreet than Cardinal Zen... But in the face of the huge wave of popular protests, Cardinal Tong harden his position."
(National Catholic Register, "Why are Christians at the Forefront of Hong Kong's Protests Against Extradition Law," June 22, 2019)

The world is still waiting for the Communist Chinese friendly Francis to speak out against the extradition law.

Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church.


Aqua said…
I have tried to engage the bloggers of Where Peter Is, on the topic of Papal error. They maintain that if a Pope says it, then it is true - “It is impossible for a Pope to be in schism with himself”.

And yet, there are those poor Chines Catholics ... betrayed to the bloodthirsty communists and their Patriotic Bishop tools. Stark, suffering evidence that, well, the Pope can be wrong in most practical, faith altering ways with blood on the line.

They block mercilessly on that web site. You don’t publish profanity, ignorance and occasions of sin. They don’t publish that which cannot be answered, that which collapses their world view. Such as this comment, if you will permit me to post it here.

+++++++ +++++++++ ++++++++++

Marie, that was very nicely, beautifully stated. I wish all disagreements were made in such a way. That is precisely how Catholics should speak one to another. Good points too.

Catholics *do*, I *do*, accept all Catholic teachings. If you read what I said, that is precisely what I said. Nothing can be changed. Nothing can be overturned. Nothing can be altered “for the times”. True yesterday. True today. True in eternity. I accept all teachings and all Popes in union with the clear words of God and Holy Mother Church.

And so ....... Why didn’t Pope Francis answer the Dubia?

1: Is it possible to grant absolution to and then admit to Holy Communion those who are validly married to one are living with and in sexual relations with another? (ref Amoris Laetitia footnote 305, 351)

2: Are there absolute moral norms that prohibit intrinsically evil acts, binding without exception? (ref Amoris Laetitia 304)

3: Do you affirm that a person who habitually lives in contradiction to a commandment of God’s Law, for instance adultery (Matt 19: 3-9) is in objective Grave Sin? (ref Amoris Laetitia 301)

4: After the affirmations of Amoris Laetitia (302) on circumstances that mitigate moral responsibility does one still need to regard as valid Pope St. John Paul II’s Veritatis Splendor (based on Scripture and Tradition) that circumstances or intentions can never transform an intrinsically evil act into a subjectively good or defensible choice?

5: After Amoris Laetitia (303) does one still need to regard as valid Veritatis Splendor (56) that excludes a creative interpretation of the role of conscience which never be used to legitimate exceptions to absolute moral norms that prohibit intrinsically evil acts by virtue of their object?

These Dubia were respectfully asked of the Pope by four Cardinals, on behalf of the confused and suffering Faithful, in a format that traditionally demands a Yes or No response. Basic, fundamental, Dogmatic questions that affirm the basic tenets of the Faith. Same? Or New? What say you?

His response? Silence. To this day ... no answer.

Except, he *did* answer these questions, though indirectly. He wrote to the Argentine Bishops’ Conference that *their* proposed norms in response to Amoris Laetitia were *emphatically correct*, for their Conference and indeed the whole Church, in their proposed implementation of Chapter 8 (the chapter that deals with the Sacramental and spiritual status of those Catholics living in second “marriages”).

In sum, he answered the question, and he answered them against the constant.magisterial.teaching of the Church.

Correct: No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes.
Magisterium: No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes.
Francis: Yes, No, No, No, No.

Do with that what you will. That is the error of this Pope. He must remain in conformity with the Magisterium of the Church. He cannot depart even an inch.

I stand with Constant.Church.Teaching: No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes.
Islam_Is_Islam said…
Well said, Aqua. Thank you for trying.
Aqua said…
A further point on the Where Is Peter” premise: The Pope cannot be in schism with *himself*.

The statement above, upon which rests their defense of everything and anything Bergoglio promotes into the Church, is that the Pope *is* the Magisterium. He arbitrates additions, subtractions, modifications at his sole discretion. Whatever came before him is subject to the will of the living Pope. He is not Dogma’s servant, but its master. God’s Truth is subject to the power of the living Pope to “bind and loose” whatever he wills.

And thus, I cannot escape the conclusion, that such a Pope has god-like power, if prior Truth bound in heaven and sourced in heaven is changed by the will of this and any subsequent man on the Throne of St. Peter.

I, on the other hand, see the Church’s Dogma and Doctrine as separate and above the Pope, below and from Christ. If he departs from *that*, he can very well be in schism with *the Church*, though not certainly “with himself”.

I worship Jesus Christ, submit to Holy Mother Church and the Dogma that comes from Logos through time and eternity; which is compiled and presented in all its glory and majesty by the Church’s (not just the living Pope’s) Magisterial authority. The Pope serves Christ and this body of Dogma and Doctrine which will never, can never, change.
Please read this post on Les Femmes about Orlando's cover-up of the Albany sodomite priest, Fr Tony Maione - called MISTER Maione in Orlando). Bishop Hubbard dedicated a chapel to Maione after his death.

Priests in Orlando were shocked to learn that Maione, Orlando's Associate Director of Religious Education in charge of Youth and Young Adults, was really a priest.

Typical case of "move-em around and cover-up".
Fr. VF said…
Soros money talks louder than any comment you might attempt to make on that shameful blog.

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