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The Francis Creed

"I believe in Francis and that it is infallible dogma that he is pope no matter what evidence shows that he violated the Pope John Paul II constitution that governed the validity or invalidity of the 2013 conclave. He suffered under Bishop Rene Gracida who classified the evidence that the constitution was violated and called the cardinals to investigate. He descended into the Vatican gay lobby. He ascended to the papal throne where he sits surrounded by the gay lobby cardinals from where he shall judge the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Ten Commandments and all the infallible Catholic teachings."

"I believe in Amoris Laetitia, the Communion of adulterers, Francis's representation of globalist teachings which embodies the Soros gospel of unlimited mass immigration, climate change, a one-world government and the goddess Mother Earth everlasting."

I wrote this ecumenical creed with the hope that it will help all the Francis traditionalists and the Francis liberals to unite in their common communion with Francis.

After all, isn't it true that recently the leftist Mark Shea Catholics have joined hands with their Francis traditionalist brothers in using the Steve Skojec and Taylor Marshall talking points of "schismatic" and "sedevacantist" against all Catholics who present evidence that the 2013 conclave Pope John Paul constitution was violated including Bishop Gracida and even Cardinal Raymond Burke for daring to imply that the Francis conclave could be invalid and that Francis's Communion for adulterers could be heretical.

While it is well know that Skojec, Marshall and all the Francis traditionalists feel uncomfortable with the Soros gospel part of the Francis creed, they must endure this temporary discomfort.

They must remember that they do agree with the Francis liberals in the part of the creed that says it is a infallible dogma that Francis is a valid pope no matter what the evidence shows and moreover they must stay in communion with him even when by his "authentic Magisterium" authority he teaches Communion for adulterers without committing obstinate heresy.

They must never forget that they are in union with the Francis liberals in believing that he cannot be corrected nor can he as Doctor of the Church St. Francis de Sales proclaimed be "deprived... of his Apostlic See" for being "explicitly a heretic":

"The Pope... when he is explicitly a heretic... the Church must either deprive him or as some say declare him deprived of his Apostlic See."
(The Catholic Controversy by St. Francis de Sales, Pages 305-306)

Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church.


Aqua said…
Our Credal profession of belief is in The Most Holy Trinity, Holy Mother Church, Communion Of Saints and our own resurrection into this Beatific Communion.

Nowhere do we profess allegiance to the reigning Pope. Tradition binds us to him in joint allegiance to God, the Blessed Mother, Holy Church, Her Tradition. That is the narrow road leading to life. The Pope leads us along this road.

If the Pope directs me off the road, through a wide gate, into a ditch toward a cliff and into eternal fire ... no thanks.

I choose the Catholic Creeds, as written, and all that goes with them that is True.
Laramie Hirsch said…
This creed is perfect. I will popularize it and spread it where I can.
Fred Martinez said…
That is a honor. In my opinion, you are one of the greats in Catholic blogging. Thank you for all you do.
Aqua said…
BTW, I agree, the “Francis Creed” is “perfect”.

It’s one thing to get swept away in the emotion of current events; alter the Faith because one is lost in a mass hysteria. It’s quite another to quantify the specifics being proposed into credal form. And then try to defend them. And live them De Fide.

Not so persuasive once you see it all written down.
Fred Martinez said…
Thanks Aqua for all the wisdom you bring to the Catholic Monitor Comment Section.
Aqua said…
Yours is an interesting, illuminating, encouraging, *orthodox* blog. Privileged to read it, and happy to contribute to the peanut gallery.
Catholic gal said…
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Catholic gal said…
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Catholic gal said…
Dear Mr. Martinez,I should like to subscribe to your blog, but am uncertain as how to do so. As well, I possibly messed up my Blogger account. Would you kindly please subscribe me, or send me an email with instructions on how to do so? I am used to seeing a "follow" icon. I am reading this on my cell, and visited your web version on it. I arrived here from Bishop Gracida's blog. Thanks ever so much!
Catholic gal said…
Sorry that my comment appears 3 times. I have tried to remove 2, but must have another try - I am rather new to this.
Fred Martinez said…
Dear Catholic gal,

Thanks for all the trouble you when through. Give me your email address and I will put it on a limited email list I sent out mostly to bloggers and media. Please pray for me and God bless you.

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