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Fighting the Demonic: Trump, Vigano & Archbishop Cordileone's Exorcism of the Spirit of the Rioters and Evildoers on February 8, 2018, in a article titled "Trump Demanded Spiritual Cleansing of WH, Removal of Pagan, Demonic Idols," reported Pastor Paul Begley said:

 "[A] close [anonymous] source to those working in the White House revealed to me that the 'Spiritual Cleansing'... of [a]ll religious artifacts from [the] former [Barack Obama] administration were removed except for 1 cross."

The article reported that Begley on the "Weekend Vigilante" show said the removed Obama religious items "were all kinds of idol gods and images and all kinds of artifacts in there that were demonic."

On January 18, 2016, the Bob Larson website appeared to implicitly confirm this report about Obama having "idol god... artifacts" saying:

"Obama has [the] Hindu god Hanuman in his pocket!... last week... in a series of interviews... reached into his pocket and pulled out... a Buddha, and a miniature idol of Hanuman, the Hindu monkey god! Oh yes, he did have a small rosary give[n] to him by Pope Francis, hardly an offset to the other demonic devices."
(, "Obama Carries Curses," January 18, 2016)

A spokeswoman for First Lady Melania Trump while not denying the removal of Obama religious artifacts said that no exorcism in the White House happened.
(Associated Press, "First Lady did not hire exorcist for White House," February 10, 2018)

Moreover, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has called for an "exorcism" of the spirit of the coronavirus hysteria "shutting sown" of Catholic Masses according to Newsweek:

"Carlo Maria Vigano, an Italian archbishop of the Catholic Church who once served as the Vatican's diplomatic representative to the U.S., has called on his fellow clergy to perform a 'mass exorcism' on Holy Saturday, the day before Easter Sunday, in order to quell Satan's 'frenzy' during the coronavirus pandemic."

"Vigano, who has opposed the shutting down of church services to slow the spread of the virus, wrote in a public letter, 'In these modern times of terrible tribulation, when the pandemic has deprived Catholics of Holy Mass and the Sacraments, the Evil One has gone into a frenzy and multiplied his attacks to tempt souls into sin.'"

"As such, he is asking Catholic clergy to help conduct a mass exorcism against Satan and the Apostate Angels at 3 p.m. on Saturday 'so we can all fight together the common enemy of the whole human race.'"

"He chose Saturday because ,Holy Saturday is the day when we remember Our Lord Jesus Christ as He descended into Hell to free the souls of the Fathers from Satan's chains,' he wrote."


San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone took up Archbishop Vigano's call to do exorcisms and did a exorcism against the rioters and evildoers who sacrilegiously torn down a statue of a saint:

“'We Offered the Prayer of Exorcism – Because Evil is Present Here' – San Francisco Archbishop Cordileone Holds Exorcism at Site Where Leftists Desecrated Statue of St. Junipero Serra... "

"... Archbishop Cordileone: We offered the prayer of exorcism, the St. Michael Prayer, because evil is present here. This is the activity of the evil one who wants to bring down the Church. Who wants to bring down all Christian believers… I’ve been feeling great distress and sort of a deep wound in my soul when I see these horrendous acts of blasphemy."
Furthermore, Dr. Taylor Marshall explained that the rioters and evildoers are doing the work of Satan and presented a plan to protect our good bishops, priests, statues and country from those in league with evil:  

"First they are going to go after the statues of the saints. Then they’re going to go after the statues of Our Lady. Then they are going to go after the statues of Jesus. We already saw an activist talk about that last week. And the crosses. Then they’re going to come to the churches and attack the churches and they’re going to disrupt our worship. Our masses. Then after that they’re going to attack us."

Watch Dr. Marshall in "Good Bishops & Priests are Protecting Statues: Let’s Rally to Them - HERE'S THE GAME PLAN" on YouTube by clicking below:

 Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Mass and the Church as well as for the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart of the Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of the Mary.

Please, pray an Our Father now for President Trump and our country now because this is the important fork in the road for the United States. Please, keep this intentions in your prayers.


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