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Behind the Scenes War between Pope Francis and Cdl. Parolin?

Is there a behind the scenes war between Pope Francis and Cardinal Pietro Parolin?

-As Vatican expert Sandro Magister reported on May 20, Francis did not follow Parolin's Vatican Secretariat of State script or text against the Venezuelan regime provided for the press.

-The Spectator in December said that "some Catholic observers are speculating" it was Parolin's  "forces inside the Secretariat of State" who leaked the scandal reports on Francis's close collaborator Vice-Pope Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga. says " the second man in the Vatican Secretariat of State" Archbishop Giovanni Angelo Becciu "a blind follower of Francis" is rumoured to be in "conflict with his boss... Parolin" is in order to be made cardinal to "be removed."

-Why was the close collaborator, personal theologian and reportedly the writer of most of Francis's major Pontifical documents, Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernandez, suddenly promoted to a major diocese in Argentina and removed from the face to face intimate informal inner circle of the Pope in the Vatican which is the way Francis reportedly makes most of his decisions?

-According to Vatican expert Ed Condon the "inner circle's monopoly is strengthened by Francis's impatience with long meetings. He prefers brief personal chats and informal briefings." ( Catholic Herald, "Five years on: the paradox of Francis's papacy," March 8, 2017)

-According to a headline in a February podcast from the Spectator Canon lawyer and Vatican expert Condon revealed "Parolin's Campaign to be Pope Desperate after China Fiasco."

-Parolin who apparently controls the Vatican communications apparatus it appears had a statement issued that said Francis stands behind his China disaster while the Pope told Chinese hero Cardinal Joseph Zen another narrative counter to the statement and has never personally confirmed the Vatican statement.

-Zen has rebuked Parolin calling him a "man of little faith" and Francis has not come to the Secretariat of State's defense.

-According to and Choosing-him.blogspot Vatican expert Condon in the Spectator podcast "refers to Parolin's" failure of Francis's "Apostlic Journey to Chile" which is the biggest public relations disaster of the papacy which at least one commentator has said smelled like a booby trap.

Francis probably is not too happy with Parolin over the Chile disaster, as spoken about by Condon, whether it was a trap or not set by the Secretariat of State who is reported to have the ambition to be the next pope.

Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church.



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