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Deep State, Complicit Media, Soros and Why didn't Francis Question Pell's Secret Trail?

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"Operation Mockingbird exposed on C-Span"

"A caller to Washington Journal, May 27, 2018, raised the repeal of the Smith Mundt Act, legalizing domestic propaganda and the complicity of the media with the Deep State. The Daily Beast's Eleanor Clift dismissed this fact as a conspiracy theory, but the Washington Times' Cheryl Chumley reminded her of Operation Mockingbird in which intelligence assets were placed in the media. Eleanor looked very unconfortable."

Why is the mainstream media, such as The New York Times, the Washington Post and others, an accomplice with the FBI in undermining a sitting President?
(The Washington Times, "FBI's 'media strategy' against Trump needed a complicit media," September 13, 2018)

Why is the complicit media, also, attempting to cover-up for George Soros' "conniving"?

The United Kingdom magazine Christian Order in its August/September issue on the Deep State and the "controlled press" said:

"Occasionally, media scrutiny and/or public prosecution of global criminal scams... provide a glimpse like the Bank of Credit and Commerce International during the 1970s/80s and currently the Clinton Foundation... the first-tier all hold so much dirt on each other that mutual protection and continuing is assured."

"As for whistle-blowers, the lower-level variety are either bought off, blackmailed, ruined, or murdered with impunity. Exposure and defiance at the highest levels by uncontrollable presidential forces like JFK, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, on the other hand, sometimes leads to assassination... but more usually is handled by a controlled press."

"President Putin's complaint at the recent Helsinki summit of a massive swindle involving the transfer of $400 million... to Hillary Clinton's election campaign, for example, was either totally ignored, or mentioned but not pursued... [as was] Putin's further pointed reference to the transnational conniving of Hillary's nefarious backer, George Soros."(Christian Order, "Deep State Armageddon," August/September 2018)

Everyone who has read or seen on YouTube internationally respected investigator and attorney Elizabeth Yore's detailed research knows that not only Hillary, but Pope Francis's Vatican is in bed or in alliance with Soros. Yore revealed:

"George Soros operatives are embedded in the Vatican. They have drafted Vatican documents that set up the Soros agenda which mirrors the Francis agenda." (YouTube, "An Unholy Alliance: the UN, Soros, and the Francis Papacy," February 21, 2017)

The Christian Order article, moreover, showed that apparently Francis's collaborator Soros and his ally the Obama/Clinton Deep State don't just have the "controlled press" working for them, but the intelligence agencies:

"As George Neumayr commented... 'Obama via Brennan, did the equivalent for Hillary'... namely, by turning CIA HQ at Langley, Virginia, into the Clinton War Room."

"... For [Trump] his tenure is a providential opportunity to face down the Washington vermin; to thwart their occult designs. So let us pray that he [Trump] traps and eradicates them before they trap and eradicate him - or it's criminal game, globalist set, and godless match to the dirty rats." (Christian Order, "Deep State Armageddon," August/September 2018)

Apparently, the complicit media is in bed with the Deep State, Francis and Soros in applying “pressures [to] governments to adopt high immigration targets and porous border policies” not just in President Donald Trump's United States, but in Australia according to NewsMax:

"The network of billionaire lobbyist George Soros, who 'pressures governments to adopt high immigration targets and porous border policies' through his Open Society Foundations, has influence in Australia though GetUp!, as Jennifer Oriel wrote Monday for The Australian."

"The reveal was brought about by leaked documents from from the organizations funded by the billionaire socialist Soros."

"Oriel chronicled GetUp!’s involvement as the Australia arm of Soros’ transnational network."

"'GetUp! has engaged in an effective reframing of politics by rebranding conservatives as the hard right while recasting the left as moderate or progressive,' she wrote. 'Many sections of the media have uncritically adopted GetUp!’s rhetoric, which effectively divides the Coalition by aligning conservatives falsely with a range of hard-Right views that they abhor.'”


As journalist Oriel showed "the Australia arm of Soros’ transnational network" has been "effective [in] reframing" how the Australian complicit media covers the news including it appears its complete non-protest against the denial of freedom of the press by the country's court system in the worldwide important secret trial of Cardinal George Pell on sex abuse accusations.

Doesn't the Australian media know that "the principle of 'open justice'... dates back to Magna Carta" and "[s]ecret trials have been a characteristic of almost every dictatorship of the modern era"?

- "Secret trials have been a characteristic of almost every dictatorship of the modern era, but even in democratic regimes secret trials have taken place, usually cited by state authorities as necessary for the same reason as those in dictatorships—national security."

- "The UK’s justice system rests on several important principles, including the principle of ‘open justice’.  Openness means that the public generally has an interest in knowing about matters of significance, such as the arguments in and results of trials. This principle dates back to Magna Carta. It ensures fairness and confidence in the whole justice system. Justice is not only done, but seen to be done." (Human Rights News, Views &, "What Are 'Secret Trials’ And Do They Violate Human Rights?," 2nd August 2016)

As Catholic journalist Phil Lawler reported the Australia court system and it appears the non-protesting Australian complicit media are apparently against "open justice" and freedom of the press and therefore want "to keep things secret":  

"Australian prosecutors—who still have not offered any details about their case against the cardinal [Cardinal George Pell] —recently asked the trial court to ban all news coverage and conduct the entire proceedings in secrecy."

"... [I]t’s not the cardinal who wants to avoid public scrutiny at a trial. On the contrary, Cardinal Pell has consistently indicated that he wants a chance to clear his name. It’s the prosecution that has asked for a secret trial."

'It’s difficult to discern the exact purpose of the prosecution’s request. But let’s put it this way: Ordinarily, the people who want to keep things secret are the people who ask to keep things secret." [] thinks the Australian "secret mock trial" of Cardinal Pell is a "kangaroo court" that might "take revenge on the Cardinal" if it publishes news of the trail:

"On September 20, under this URL a [truthful] piece of news about the ungoing secret mock trial against Cardinal George Pell was published. The news were based on first hand information."

"On September 21, 03:59:07 GMT received an email from Nevena Spirovska, a public affairs manager of the County Court of Victoria, Austrialia, who claimed that 'this article likely constitutes a breach of the suppression order issued by His Honour Chief Judge Kidd on 25 June 2018.'"

"Spirovska asked to “immediately remove the article in question”. She added Kidd’s Proceeding Suppression Order as an attachment."

"It is unlikely that Kidd’s order may lawfully raise the claim of a worldwide jurisdiction. Nevertheless complies with it, not because it has respect for the Australian judical system that has compromised itself through the kangaroo court against Cardinal Pell, but because there is a real danger that this system will (again) take revenge on the Cardinal."

The final question is why didn't Pope Francis call for "open justice" and question as well as protest against the secret trail of Pell?

The answer may be the following:

Ganesh Sahathevan is a Fellow at the (American Center for Democracy) ACD’s Economic Warfare Institute. 

The ACD/EWI team specializes in economic warfare, purposeful interference in civilian infrastructure, including the financial markets, transnational criminal and terrorist organizations. ACD fellow Sahathevan said Pope Francis's closest collaborator has "an illegal slush fund financed by George Soro":

"Cardinal Oscar Rodríguez Maradiaga, the so-called "Vice Pope" given his close association with Pope Francis, has refused to answer questions concerning his work with a number of NGOs funded by billionaire George Soros.Cardinal Oscar has also refused to answer queries concerning any funding he, or entities associated with him, may have received from Soros..."

"... It does appear as if the "Vice Pope" is on some campaign to change the Vatican from within, and that he is doing so with what amounts to an illegal slush fund financed by George Soros." (, "'Vice Pope' Cardinal Oscar Rodríguez Maradiaga does not deny being funded by George Soros,and working with the 'Catholic Spring' movement ,"February 9, 2017),[], []

Financial expert Sahathevan, also, reported that the most powerful official in Francis's Vatican, Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin, apparently knew that funds not appearing on "official balance sheets" could be illegal and he may be covering up illegal slush funds and asked Francis & Parolin to "come clean":

"As reported yesterday"

""Vice Pope" Cardinal Oscar Rodríguez Maradiaga does not deny being funded by George Soros,and working with the "Catholic Spring " movement"

"In the above story it was concluded that Oscar appears to be in charge of a slush fund financed by George Soros, which is intended to be used for purposes Oscar sees fit, which may include financing of a 'Catholic Spring.'"

"While that story was the result of an independent investigation by this writer it does seem that the Vatican's Prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy, Cardinal George Pell, may have uncovered the existence of similar financial structures, even if he did not quite understand what it is he had uncovered."

"In late 2014 Pell announced that he had 'discovered that ... some hundreds of millions of euros were tucked away in particular sectional accounts (of departments within the Vatican ) and did not appear on the Vatican's balance sheet.'

"What was even more interesting than that revelation was the reaction of the Vatican's Director of the Holy See Press Office, Fr. Federico Lombardi, S.J, presumably acting under instructions from the  Vatican;s Secretary Of State  Cardinal Pietro Parolin:"

'It should be observed that Cardinal Pell has not referred to illegal, illicit or poorly administered funds, but rather funds that do not appear on the official balance sheets of the Holy See or of Vatican City State, and which have become known to the Secretariat for the Economy during the current process of examination and revision of Vatican administration...'"

"This statement was curious for Pell did not actually say that the accounts were 'illegal.' If anything Pell seemed not to understand that financial entities of any sort often have secret reserves, In fact, Pell concluded with some satisfaction that his discovery meant that the Vatican was well able to finance its activities..."

"..It does seem as if there is some concern within the Vatican that slush funds such as that which appear to be controlled by Cardinal Oscar, that ought to have been reported and accounted for as required by Canon Law, remain secret. Wikileaks and in time other publications are going to make that task  near impossible, and hence it is best that all concerned come clean."
(, "Vice Pope" Cardinal Oscar's Soros funding-Has the Vatican Bank acted as conduit , is it in breach of international AML,CTF and KYC regulations?,"February 14, 2017), []

Sahathevan could have predicted that Francis's chief adviser later in 2017, again, would be accused of financial corruption as reported by Edward Pentin:

"One of Pope Francis’ chief advisers on Church reform has rejected allegations of financial corruption made in an Italian publication this week, but questions remain over diocesan accounting procedures...Honduran Cardinal Oscar Andrés Rodriguez Maradiaga... The documents, which the Register has obtained, show general figures denoting gross income for the archdiocese and spending running into millions of dollars, but with no particulars."

"One source with a detailed knowledge of the issue told the Register the documentation omits $1.3 million that the Honduran government gave the archdiocese to be spent on Church projects."[]

What financial expert Sahathevan apparently didn't know was that Parolin and Pell were in a power struggle when he reported the above. Cardinal Pell was suppose to reform the Vatican corruption including the Secretary of State's finances.

Parolin according to the Catholic Herald in a "series of power struggles" ended the outside audit and Vatican financial reform "even before" Pell was forced to return to Australia on old sex-abuse allegations. ("How Cardinal Parolin won the Vatican civil war," November 9, 2017)

In the Pell power struggle shady and suspicious actions were taken by a employee of Parolin (Archbishop Angelo Becciu) on former Auditor General Libero Milone. The Auditor suspecting that he was being spied on brought in a external contractor who "determined" his computer was "infected with file copying spyware" according to in its September 28, 2017 article "Former Vatican auditor accused of spying says 'shady games' going on in Rome."

The website The Eye Witness reported on shady and suspicious spying done on Pope Benedict and Pope Francis before and after the last conclave:

"It is now revealed that the NSA was tapping the phones and communications of the entire Vatican establishment, including Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis before, during and after the Conclave.  Is such a thing possible?  Here is one of many reports:"

"In another report, from Al-Jazeera we read:
"Bergoglio ' had been a person of interest to the American secret services since 2005, according to Wikileaks' it said."

"The bugged conversations were divided into four categories: 'leadership intentions', 'threats to financial systems', 'foreign policy objectives' and 'human rights', it claimed."

"Why the American Secret Service considered Cardinal Bergoglio a person of interest for the past eight years is an interesting question although the Secret Service like all other US agencies is widely believed to have been corrupted, so it remains unclear as to how one should assess this piece of information or what it was about the activities of the Cardinal that prompted their extreme interest.  Still it is curious to say the very least..."

"...But if the Conclave was compromised in some way (and even if it wasn't we do know that the NSA has been listening to electronic communications of high Churchmen in Rome and probably everywhere else) then this opens up a whole new avenue of inquiry."

One reason why the NSA could reasonably have been spying on Pope Benedict and Cardinal Bergoglio who would become Pope Francis at that conclave could be that the spy agency was corrupted by the Obama administration.

It is not unreasonable to assume that the administration wanted Bergoglio to replace Benedict.

Benedict's agenda put anti-abortion and moral pro-family issues as top priorities while Francis gives lip services to those issues, but sees them as secondary to his agenda which is almost identical to the Obama administration and Soros agendas such unrestricted mass immigration (See:

Zero Hedge shows that NSA became a servant of the Democrat's agenda and it's FISA abuses:

"Donald Trump must veto reauthorized NSA spying powers which passed both the House and the Senate yesterday without a single reform, in light of an explosive four-page memo said to detail sweeping FISA Abuses by the FBI, DOJ and the Obama Administration during and after the 2016 presidential election, says former NSA contractor and whistleblower Edward Snowden." []

Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church.


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