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Is Bishop Barron in the "Conservative" Wing of the Bernardin/Gregory Gay Mafia?

The May 13, 2018 Catholic Standard reported that the so-called conservative, who is a "friend" of gay activist Fr. James Martin, Bishop Robert Barron has been closely associated with homosexuals who apparently are and were part the gay bishops network.
(Twitter, Fr. James Martin, April 30, 2012, Martin: "Here is my friend Fr. Robert Barron")

Barron's "first spiritual director when he was a seminarian for the [Bernardin] Archdiocese of Chicago" and "friend" was the reportedly homosexual and gay activist Wilton Gregory.

The Standard, also, says he was ordained by the reportedly homosexual and gay activist Cardinal Joseph Bernardin. The article shows Barron giddy in praise of the two gay activists:

"'Cardinal Bernardin's qualities... have shaped the ministry of Archbishop Gregory'... Barron said that his friend Archbishop Gregory is a excellent choice to lead Archdiocese of Washington. 'I can't think of anyone better'... in the wake of the abuse crisis, he said."
(Catholic Standard, "Friends remember how Archbishop Gregory's Chicago years shaped his ministry," May 13, 2019)

Barron, however, doesn't disclose in his praise of Gregory and Bernardin that they were apparently part of "a network of gay priests and bishops" in Chicago according to whistleblowers.

Nor does he explain how a gay activist archbishop is a "excellent choice" to stop gay predators who are responsible for almost all the priest sex abuse cases.

Here is the evidence:

The ex-priest and psychotherapist Richard Sipes, who outed ex-cardinal Theodore McCarrick as a homosexual sexual predator, in 2006 outed as a "homosexual" Pope Francis's newly appointed archbishop of Washington, D.C. Wilton Gregory.
(, "Sexual Orientation & American Roman Catholic Bishops," August 1, 2006 and Catholic News Agency, "Archbishop Gregory asked to lead Washington archdiocese," March 28, 2019)

It is well-known that Gregory has a deep-seated gay agenda who according to a LifeSiteNews report on August 14, 2018 has appointed a " pro-gay priest as a 'spiritual guide' for abuse victims" despite the fact that the 2011 John Jay report found 81 percent of abuse victims were male.

Joe Sacerdo reported Gregory's gay lobby connections and beginnings :

"Joseph Kellenyi... once a seminarian at Mundelein in the Chicago area... Says:... '[Cardinal Joseph] Bernardin fostered and promoted a network of gay priests and bishops... they protected each other, covered up each other's 'mistakes,'... Bishop Gregory is well aware that he is where he is today because a gay Cardinal [Bernardin] took a special interest in him at a young age. Bishop Gregory benefited directly from a combination of homosexuality and power in the Church.'"
(, "Fr. Bryan Hehir, Bishop Kicanas, and Cardinal Bernardin," 8 years ago)

It is a scandal that Francis according to whistleblower Sipe has appointed a "homosexual" bishop to Washington, D.C. and that Barron praised his choice.

The scandal gets worst when it is well-known that the Francis appointed bishop has a gay agenda and gay lobby history when 81 percent of abuse victims were males abused by gay predator priests.

Bizarrely and circumstantially in his gay agenda episcopal behavior, Gregory is exhibiting a behavior that Francis is known to practice.

Francis is known to promote homosexual perverts such as Theodore McCarrick to positions of higher responsibility.

The latest example is his personal friend Archbishop Gustavo Zanchetta who was promoted to a high Vatican position even though according to Argentinean Church documents he is allegedly a gay pervert.

Gregory has acted like Francis in at least one of his promotions. The one example that is explicitly known is when Gregory's priest "Fr. Juan Areiza, got entangled in a gay scandal exposed by CBS Atlanta." This same gay pervert priest was later promoted to be "pastor of St. Pius... by Wilton Gregory."
(The American Spectator, "FrancisChurch goes from  Scandal to Scandal," November 4, 2018)

It would be laughable if it was wasn't scandalous that Barron claims that gay activist Gregory and Francis, who is a promoter of gay perverts as well as gay activists, can or might do anything to end the "network of gay priests and bishops."

Read the Barron quote and weep as you laugh at its ridiculousness:

"I would suggest... the Holy Father [Francis]... form a team [probably with Gregory on the team]... to determine how Archbishop McCarrick managed... to function as a roving ambassador for the [Francis] Church and to have disproportionate influence on the appointment of bishops [even though Francis knew he was a homosexual predator]."
(Word on Fire, "The McCarrick Mess, August 9, 2018)

The question needs to be asked:

Is Bishop Barron an enabler in the "conservative" wing of the Bernardin/Gregory gay mafia?

Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church.


Unknown said…
sodomites of a feather flock together. Pray for their conversion.
Unknown said…
Woa you mean to tell me bp Barron is conservative? Really how and in what way? This is news to a whole lot of people. Specifically Catholics!bp Barron the all souls (and maybe dogs) go to heaven?
For most of us Traditional Catholics we knew that bp Barron was and is a opportunist all the way back to the days when he was a little ole priest. All the way back to the days when he was elevated to bishop.
The real shadow here is that he fools people into thinking that he IS conservative. What is a conservative Catholic? Maybe and often NOT a Catholic at all. With out Tradition you can not be an Authentic Catholic a Catholic true to the faith.
Christine said…
What about Gustavo Vera. Did he drop off the face of the earth? What's he doing these days?
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